Sunday, August 8, 2010


So this is basically going to be like a venting blog about fleas...If you know a good trick to get rid of them, please pass it on.

My yard is infested.

Yes, Sophie is an inside dog, but she has to go outside to use the bathroom. So every time I take her outside, she ends up with more fleas. I got to where I was bathing her everyday and using the flea treatments and spraying the furniture daily. Still, Sophie would scratch herself until she bled. It was horrible. Finally, I had to send Sophie to Mom's house so her skin could recover and she could heal and get a little relief.

Still. I have fleas in the yard. Its the stupid stray cats. I have never hated the strays until now, and I wish they were gone. They get up under the deck and lay around in my yard and bring fleas. Supposedly fleas cant live in direct sunlight so they must be coming from beneath the bushes and the deck.

I plan to bomb the house and the neighbor is going to spray under the deck and then we will reinforce the boards so the cats can't get back in. I spread some granular treatment in the yard. HOPEFULLY this will work. I've already spent so much money and stress on this. I just want the fleas gone so Sophie can come home!

1 comment:

hollie marie said...

What kind of antiflea/bug treatments are you using on Sophie? We use Frontline with Mauve & it seems to work well. We have a lot of sand fleas in our area & have to spray the yard a few times/year. Sorry you're having bug issues. :(