Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yay for visitors

We had visitors two weekends ago, the first since the big move. Fortunately I have seen the majority of our families since the move because of the plethora of weddings and showers back home. But this time, my dad and stepmom came to visit us!

We love for people to come see us BTW.

It was a wonderful weekend, not too crazy busy or rushed, just good quality time spent together. They arrived Thursday evening and we went to Chuy's on Broadway. Oh man is their salsa good! Everything is made from scratch (except fries and fish apparently) and you can definitely taste the quality in the food. One down side, it was sooo loud on that busy thursday night. I definitely had to yell for anyone to be able to hear me across the table so it wasn't exactly great for conversation. But we still left with our bellies stuffed with delicious food. 

Next it was off to the Commodore Grille where Dad and Diane got to see Duane play with Manditori in a writers round. They put on a great show as always!

Friday was a really relaxed day. We hung around the house throughout the morning, breakfast casserole, coffee and chicken and dumplings filled our morning and lunchtime and it was awesome! Then we went to Long Hollow Winery and tasted all of their yummy wines. Friday night Duane and I showed them the downtown area (the main tourist area on Broadway). We walked around for a while, ate at Margaritaville and got margaritas of course. Diane almost fell into the trap and bought boots in Nashville. I mean come on, that's a staple here and it's hard to pass up buy one pair, get 2 free ;). Then we got to see Duane play again! He played at Hotel Indigo with Alyssa Jayce and Jessa Shown. If you get a chance I would check both of these lovely ladies out on Facebook, they are legitimately awesome!!

Saturday was gameday. Vandy vs UGA. Not a great day for UGA fans. The weather was cold and wet and the game was a definite letdown. I will leave it at that, no reason to relive a bad moment :)

So that's the rundown. Sunday morning they packed up and went home. Hopefully y'all are really excited about it and will want to visit us too! 

Oh and Meah gave Dad and Diane lots of love. Lots and Lots of love. Probably more than they wanted. 


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