Sorry about the hiatus, I really really am trying to be a more diligent and timely blogger, but we were out of town and blogging from my phone is difficult. But it gives me more fun times to blog about! Anywho, back to the blogging.
So I'm taking a break from talking about moving, packing, getting rid of stuff and all things travel nursing related. Today I'm sharing something that got my noggin' working. It's a phrase that's said around our household at least once a day and it's become just a silly joke between husband and wife. Usually it comes out a little like this...
Duane: mmmm dinner was awesome. I'm getting seconds. Don't judge me
Don't judge me. (Usually said with a goofy laugh or smile)
Inevitably it involves eating, especially those "taboo" foods like ice cream, candy or other sweets, or just simply over indulging in a meal. Sometimes its said because of something one of us was suppose to remember and didn't. It's a default statement in our marriage that is often used to remove tension and draw attention to behaviors that we aren't convinced about the benefits of, like seconds or sweets. It's almost like an excuse we use to give into the desires of our flesh.
As Christians, we should be in a habit of denying ourselves daily and following Christ. Giving up the desires of our flesh and putting Christ first in our lives. It clearly says in the Bible that we aren't suppose to pass judgement each other, so why should Duane and I feel the need to remind each other on a regular basis? I'm sure that I'm going a little overboard with my analysis of an insignificant detail in our daily lives, but it's really been stuck in my brain. Maybe the phrase is really just what it seems, that we desire to not be judged by others or maybe we are already passing judgement on ourselves and are feeling guilty. But are we suppose to judge our own actions and compare them with how Christ calls us to live our lives?
What do you think?
Do I think that we are going to stop saying don't judge me? Nah, it's fun.
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