Thursday, October 8, 2009

Haunting Me

This is quite odd, however, I'm going to share anyway. I have this picture in my head of a young woman. I recognize her from something but I have absolutely no idea where I would know this face from. And I'm sure your saying "well Casey, that happens to me all the time. It will eventually come to you." Right? Thats exactly what I thought, but that was about 4 days ago. This image of this young woman is still lingering in my thoughts and on my heart. I will describe her to you so you can get a mental picture too.

Dirty blond, medium length hair that is put up in a loose ponytail. Fair complexion. Sweet smile. And a thin, light blue scarf bundled up close to her face. I image she has a semi-mousy voice, but I truly don't know. Thats all I have.

I like the idea that God is impressing upon my heart to pray for this woman, and I have been, but for what, I don't know.We will see how this ends up.

Anyways, this was a short post. I want to write more about my spiritual journey (which has been awesome for the whole 3 days), but I'm busy and its been hard to think of anything but this girl.

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